★ 2010美國國家書卷獎文學類決選名單
★ 美國亞馬遜網路書店2010百大好書Best Books of 2010
★作者獲《紐約客》(The New Yorker) 雜誌選為北美最傑出新生代作家
Bend a people around the shape of what they lost, and let everything mirror its absent form.
---摘自《Great House》
作者妮可.克勞斯(Nicole Krauss)在這本新作《Great House》,再度展現如前作《愛的歷史》(The History of Love) 精湛的跨時空多線敘事能力。《Great House》裡發生在智利、倫敦、耶路撒冷幾段破碎故事,因為這張桌產生了交集,埋下關於戰爭、死亡、回憶的印記,同時跟著接踵而來的人事物交互堆疊、產生新意義。
During the winter of 1972, a woman spends a single night with a young Chilean poet before he departs New York, leaving her his desk. It is the only time they ever meet. Two years later, he is arrested by Pinochet’s secret police and never seen again. Across the ocean, in the leafy suburbs of London, a man caring for his dying wife discovers a lock of hair among her papers that unravels a terrible secret. In Jerusalem, an antiques dealer has spent a lifetime reassembling his father’s study, plundered by the Nazis from Budapest in 1944; now only one item remains to be found. Connecting these lives is a desk of many drawers that exerts a power over those who possess it or give it away. And as the narrators of Great House make their confessions, this desk comes finally to stand for all that has been taken from them, and all that binds them to what has disappeared. Great House is a story haunted by questions: What do we pass on to our children and how do they absorb our dreams and losses? How do we respond to disappearance, destruction, and change? Nicole Krauss has written a soaring, powerful novel about memory struggling to create a meaningful permanence in the face of inevitable loss.
Nicole Krauss is the author of the international bestseller The History of Love, which was published by Penguin in 2005. It won the William Saroyan International Prize for Writing, France’s Prix du Meilleur Livre Etranger, and was short-listed for the Orange, Medicis, and Femina prizes. Her fiction has been published in The New Yorker, Harper’s, Esquire, and Best American Short Stories, and her books have been translated into more than thirty-five languages. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.
